Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Children of Thomas & Nora Ryder

The beautiful picture above is provided by Maureen Murry, daughter of Mary (Ryder) & Max Murry. From left: Dorothy, Margaret, Mary, Martin, Helen, Lucille, and Therese.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thomas Michael Ryder

Just heard from Thomas Michael Ryder, a journalist with whom I share an alma mater - Marquette University. I'm going to enter Tom's words verbatim:

My grandfather was Michael J. Ryder, who would be your grandfather's (TJR) brother.
The information I have is he came from Ireland in 1888, landing in Philadelphia (I haven't be able to find any ship record or naturalization records through.) He went to the far west of Wisconsin, making his home in Richland County, where there was a fairly good-sized number of Irish, including a Walsh family (can't find any ties there but suspect that's why he went there)in an area called Cazenovia. On 8 Oct. 1891 he married a neighbor's daughter, Kathryn Lyden. The marriage information comes from the church records although the church is no longer there. They moved to East Chicago in 1900.
Somewhere I read something that made me think he might have been a city councilman but I never found any records of it. And, the short item in The Hammond Times when he died in 1925 referred to him as an "East Chicago pioneer" but said nothing about him being a city councilman. The fact he was in politics might explain why he went broke with his tavern. The family said it was because he carried too many of his friends on the books. Apparently the votes were more valuable than the cash. One other thing about the tavern -- it was the reason my father never got to be an altarboy. The priest said no son of a tavern owner would be a server in his church.
My dad (Thomas Henry) was the youngest in his family. The oldest was Marie (or Mary Grace in the baptismal records in Wisconsin), who was married to John D. McInerney, who worked for the Racing Form. Next was Earl (William Earl according to the same church records). He was a superintendent at Inland Steel but his wife, Irma Mock, wasn't an invalid. Whenever Earl would stop at our house on his way home from church on Sunday he would usually say Irma wasn't "feeling well." I cut their grass when I was a kid and most of the time she would offer me something to drink afterward. I suspect she considered the Ryders below Earl's station and her family's. She was the Chicago area, Daddy had money and her sisters Worked at Marshall Fields (which was a big deal for women at that time.)
And the other brother Frank (Francis Bernard). He worked for the railroad at Youngstown Steel and lived in Hammond. He got married later in life. In fact, he lived in a bedroom in the basement of my grandmother's home and our family lived on the second floor when I was a toddler. Whenever my mother got mad at me I'd just go downstairs to see my grandmother, she never got mad at me. When she died in 1938, we moved downstairs.
An interesting story about her death. She died at the hospital sitting in a chair. She wasn't found for several hours and so they had to tie her down when they put her in the coffin. It was a good old Irish Wake -- women seated in the parlor talking, food on the sideboard in the dining room and the men in the kitchen with the drink. Tradition called for someone to sit with the body through the night. My mother said he would take the first night. But sometime late at night the ropes broke and my grandmother's body sat up in the casket. We almost had to have a second funeral for my mother.
I'll have more later on other family members as I remember them. Just two more items.
My brother, Daniel James, was in Martyna's class not only at Noll but also at St. Mary's. And teachers were always asking them if they were twins. I believe they both were born in February 1939. Dan died Dec. 30, 2006. My sister, Mary Katherine (Mary Kay) lives in the Tampa area of Florida.

Thanks, Tom, for this great information.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


My mother once told me a tale: after her father left Ireland, his dog (?name) went to a nearby cliff, and stayed there, watching the sea for his master's return, taking no nourishment, until he died. He was informed of this by friends and family from home. Now keep in mind that he was a great storyteller (Seanachai), particularly of ghost stories and of the leprechauns (anyone have any of the stories, passed on from their mother or father?); but if you go to Google maps, enter Clifden (his apparent hometown), and enlarge to the 4th click from the top, you'll see some beautiful pictures of this seaside town at the westernmost tip of Connemara. In fact, the poverty there must have been pretty grinding and the promise of America pretty large, for them to have left that gorgeous place.

Pam West

Here is some great additional material painstakingly collected by Pam West (daughter of Marguerite Ryder & John Harlow West):

Thomas James Ryder arrived at Ellis Island, NY, on April 13, 1903, aboard the Cunard steamship Ivernia (constructed 1900), embarking from Queenstown, IRE only 8 days previously (she was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine on January 1, 1917). The original entries of TJR and his family can be viewed on the ship's manifest at the Ellis Island website. TJR accompanied his mother, Margaret and father Martin, as well as cousin Michael Joyce. All were listed in good health, TJR & his parents from Clifden, IRE, Michael Joyce from Galway.

A bit of entry information also listed: TJR was 20, single, literate, and in possession of $5. Martin Ryder 55, literate, with $25. Margaret Ryder 43, illiterate, with $5. And Michael Joyce 22, single, literate, with $30. Their final destination was listed as East Chicago, Indiana, to the home of Martin & Margaret's daughter Agnes.


Fillers of previous bio notes:

Martin Ryder (father of TJR) probably born 1848.

Margaret Walsh (mother of TJR) probably born 1860.

The Ryder-Walsh childten: Margaret Ryder West recalled that TJR and Honore O'Toole Ryder each came from families of 16 children, each with a set of twins. Of TJR's siblings, she could not account for six; therefore, the other ten: Susan (Currie), Margaret (Burke-Long-Vichau or Vickau), Ellen (Gordon), Cecelia Ryder (d. as infant), Kathryn (Schmidt) - twin to Cecilia, not heard from again after going to NY, Delia (Joyce - married to shipmate and Margaret Walsh's cousin, Michael Joyce), Agnes (Dalton), Michael, Anthony, and Thomas James.

Thomas James Ryder: b. December 25, 1883, d. March 28, 1962 in Gary Nursing Home (Tom: my mistake - I thought Grandpa died at home, as I remember visiting him at what I thought was his deathbed). Buried at Calvary Cemetery, E. Gary (Portage), IN. Date of marriage: August 7, 1912 (Tom: again, I have what appears to be their wedding picture dated 1913; though they may have been part of someone else's wedding party - there are four people in the picture. I recognize Grandma - she reminds me very much of my sister, Lori). Some relatives of TJR: Ryder side - James Ryder (uncle), Mary Ward (aunt), Ellen Ward (cousin). Walsh side - Dunn, McCann.

Honore (Nora) Josephine O'Toole Ryder: b. January 18, 1885, County Mayo, IRE, daughter of Patrick O'Toole & Ellen McNamara; d. January 31, 1975, at Therese & James DeVany's home, where she was lovingly cared for in her waning years. Buried Calvary Cemetery. Maternal relatives: Nellie Burke (cousin), Sister Mary Incarnation (cousin) - Tom: a Discalced Carmelite, she took the vow of silence, which she would only rarely dispense for visiting relatives. I visited her once, and expected her voice to be hoarse and raspy. Instead, she was a beautiful woman with a gentle, kind way, and a lilting Irish brogue; Nora O'Malley (cousin); Tom Durkin (cousin).

Children of TJR & HJR: Martin Francis Ryder, Helen Marie Pfeifer (b. February 2, 1915, d. June 3, 1992, buried Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens), Margaret Cecilia West (b. February 2, 1917, d. August 28, 2005, buried Ridgelawn Mt. Mercy Cemetery, Gary IN), Lucille Lorraine Thon (Roy Thon),(b. August 28, 1919, d. March 20, 1992, buried Memory Lane Memorial Park, Schererville, IN, Mary Claire Murry (Max - ? Maxwell - Franklin Murry), Dorothy Louise Lansen (b. April 26, ?year, d. February 2, 2004, cremated),Therese Kathleen DeVany (b. May 12, 1928, d. May 19, 1999, buried Calvary Cemetery).

Other Honore Ryder relatives: John and Patrick Tiernan; the Prendergasts - Mary, John, James, Thomas, Richard, and Helen (died in childhood).

Other Thomas Ryder relatives: Earl and Mercedes Rodman, Thomas and Joseph (Shorty) Burke, Anthony (Yankee) and Pauline Long (Vichau), John and Ellen Gordon, the Ryders - Earl, Marie, Frank, Thomas, Mary Dalton, Beatrice Dalton Conners, Susan Dalton Conners, adn Agnes Dalton Nichols.

One final thing: this is a family blog. I don't mean to play the Big Kahuna. Peggy Gardner and I just decided it would be a good time to start collating this information. So please pitch in, correct, modify. And if anyone feels more comfortable starting another blog -- I'll sign up as a follower.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Here's the latest info from Peggy G re the Ryder family history, per Aunt Ann, with input from Aunts Helen & Lu:

Martin Ryder & Margaret Walsh probably had 14 - 16 children some of whom died at birth or infancy. 8 girls and 3 boys immigrated to America. Here are the ones we know of:
Michael, Susan,  Cecilia, Katherine, Anthony,  Margaret, Delia, Ellen (Ellie), Thomas, & Agnes.

And their progress (not set in stone, but probalities -- correct them with comments, where you know the accurate information, or can flesh out more for us):

Michael (m. Katherine Leyden in Milwaukee, WI). He was 25 when he immigrated, probably coming to USA with sister Susan. He paid for the passage of brother Thomas, sister Agnes, and his parents to USA. Was an East Chicago, IN councilman; tavernier (Todd Av, East Chicago). Comments about Michael from Peggy G: 'my Mom (Margaret Ryder West) said when she was four or five years old, she would go to the tavern and sing on stage, & was showered with money from the patrons.... I believe he was the father of Earl & Thomas Ryder. Earl m. Irma, no children. Lived on Magoun Av, East Chicago. When I met him I couldn't get over how much he looked like Uncle Mart (Martin Francis Ryder). He was such a pleasant man. I believe his wife was an invalid. He was a superintendent at Inland Steel Co., and was very well respected in the industry. He had set up the business procedure system for the company. His bother Tom was m. to ?Margaret Lauber. Also worked at Inland (#2 Blast Furnace, I think). They were at our home several times when Pauline (Long) was in town. I have an email address for his son Thomas Ryder - tmgaryder@msn.com. However, I'm not sure he's still alive. He had one other son who was in Martyna's (Ryder Belessis) class at Bishop Noll (hs), and a daughter .. I'm trying to get more info on them.'

Susan (m. Curry) lived in CA. 2 or 3 children: Susan Curry, with 3 daughters; Mary (or Marnie) m. Rodman (2 sons, Earl & Tom -> 5 daughters); Agatha m. Berry; Mercedes m. Withers (div.), then m. Newton (Info from Pauline Long or Margaret Lauber Ryder). Peggy G relates: 'Mom told the story of Susan, who had married a very rich man, was enroute to CA in her chauffeured car, stopped at Grandpa's home in E. Chicago. Sent the chauffeur to ask that Tom come out to the car. He answered that if she didn't care to come into his humble home, then she could proceed to CA. She chose to drive on and never looked back!!! Hmmm, and we wonder why we are soooo stubborn.'

Cecilia m. Schmidt. No info.

Katherine (Cecilia's twin) died in infancy.

Anthony (Tony) remained a bachelor and lived with sister Margaret (Mag).

Margaret m. Burke, who died young. Son, Thomas, a bachelor. Then m. Long; two sons: Anthony 'Yank' -- m. Ruth. No children. Joseph 'Shorty' Burke (?Long). 3rd marriage to William Veccio (?Vecchio). One daughter -- Pauline, who went by surname Long. Margaret had no known grandchildren. Peggy: 'Tom, I'm sure you remember Pauline (yes, I do - lovely). She looked something like Aunt Mary (Murry), but with long black hair and dark blue eyes. She looked very Italian and always had her hair pulled severely back. She lived in CA and when she came to town Mom would always have a party for her and her brother Shorty Burke (Long) whom I believe was married. Pauline & Shorty were full of life and there was always a lot of laughter when all our aunts and uncles and their families would come for her visits.'

Delia m. Michael Joyce. No children. Peggy: 'One my hs math teachers... I believe his name was James Joyce, along with his brother ?John Joyce, who was an E. Chicago politician, always said we were "shirt tail" relatives.'

Ellen (Ellie) m. Gordon. Div., children raised by relatives. Girls and one son, John, Japanese POW during WWII. Retired in AZ. Peggy: 'Both my parents talked about John. Dad met him right before he (John) enlisted. Mom said he was one of the handsomest men she had ever known... before the war. When he returned, it broke their hearts, because he was a "shell" of the man they knew. He married his nurse who cared for him for his entire life (?Ruth).'

Thomas m. Honore (?Mary) O'Toole in Chicago. Peggy: 'My mom & aunts always said that Grandma had to accompany her (older) sister Nellie to the USA, and Nellie had promised their parents that she would always watch over and take care of Nora. Nellie's main purpose (?) in coming here was supposedly to marry a wealthy man. He two oldest brothers had come to America, but did not like it and returned to Ireland. Nellie married a man of means, Uncle Tony Prendergast (Tom: my vague recollection of Aunt Nellie was of an elegant and charming woman... Peg: She had a sweet and lovely nature, and reminded me of my sister Jackie), and was actively looking for a similar man for Nora. However, Grandma met Tom Ryder at an Irish dance, fell in love, and married soon after. He was about 33, she several years (?10) younger. I never knew Grandpa to not have a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face when he spoke of Grandma. He also had such great respect for her... first came the Blessed Mother, then Grandma. And no other woman in Grandpa's eyes was finer that his wife, including his daughters whom he dearly loved. I do believe they were both truly in love. True to her word, Aunt Nellie always watched over Nora, and throughout the Depression made sure that our moms and Uncle Mart were taken care of. And Grandpa worked any type of job to raise his family. Peg: You are right, Tom, about Grandpa being a fireman. I believe it was during the early part of the century. The fire truck was horse-drawn. He was thrown off the truck and injured while riding to a fire, while holding onto a side rail and coming around a corner. Grandpa was born on Christmas day. They had seven children - one son and seven younger daughters. 

Agnes m. Jack Dalton, then widowed with 5 young daughters: Mary (m. Russell Royal) - no children, she died young. Beatrice (m. Connor) - 3 sons. Margaret (m. 'Bud' Correll) - one son. Susan (m. Tom Connor - sister Bea's brother-in-law) - ?children. Peggy: 'When I was young (you're still young, my dear), I met a really nice looking and very nice man at Castaways (local hangout & bowling alley). He asked me out, I gave him my number, asked him to call early in the week. That night Mom was playing solitaire at the kitchen table (which she us did until we were all in bed). I told her about the really nice guy... She said he could be my cousin, Bea's son, as they were both from Portage, IN. When he called, it turned out he was, and that ended that!'


The children and descendants of Thomas & Honore Ryder:

Martin Francis Ryder m. Anna K. RePinec (Repinak) (8 children): 1) Martyna Ann (m. Peter Bellessis) - 4 children: Christine (daughter Naithya); Alexander (m. Lynn, 2 sons - Ryan & Nikolas); Peter; William, engaged to Shannon. 2) Thomas Andrew (d. age 21, motorcycle accident). 3) Martin A. died of polio (1st fatality in Lake County, IN) at age 8. (Tom: I recall that none of us could attend Marty's funeral, because no one had any idea of the contagion of the disease; my mother told me that Uncle Martin was so bereft that he wanted to throw himself into the grave with his little son). 4) Kathrynne Adaire (m. Bob Champion - 3 daughters: Charmayne, Cassandra, & Cammille). Div., married Reno Sarti. Charmayne (m. Kevin Shaw - children Kathrynne, Kevin); Cassandra (m. Al Machuca - children Devon, Cody, Elijah, Isaiah). Cammille (m. John Freyek - son John, div.; m. Bob Matthias - children Luke, Anne, & Adaire Martyna). 5) Patryce Adria (m. Marvin Edward Smith, May 20, 1967 - children Melanie, Adam, Aimee, Dominic). Melanie (m. Darrin Page - sons Jayden & Jase); Adam (m. Tammy - son Skylar & daughter Sydney). Dominic (m. Angie - children Hunter & Lilly). 6) Lawrence Anthony (m. Carol Babinec - children Megan, Martin, Caitlyn). Megan m. Angel Fonseca (daughter Annaya). 7) Denyse Adria (m. George Buck - children George, Amanda, Mark). George m. Lisa - children Preston & Orianna. Amanda m. Chris Williams - son Ethan. Mark m. Holly - daughter Lilly. 8) Randall Austin m. Jill - children Tara & Logan.

Helen Ryder m. William Pfeifer.

Margaret Cecilia Ryder m. John Harlow West (6 children - Jacqueline Honore, Marguerite (Peggy) Diane, Robert Martin, Mary Lynn, Pamela Dawn). 1) Jackie m. Frank Raymond Kowal (div.) - 4 children: Frankie Marie (m. Dan Sims - daughter Leslie Michelle); Michael (fianced Shannon); Laurel Adaire (m. Gary Ottomanelli - daughters Frankie Marie & Olivia); Shannon (m. Jaime - sons Jacob & Ryan). 2) Peggy m. Loren Gardner (deceased) - children: Robert "Brent" (m. Johanna Young - son Max William, daughter Molly Elizabeth), Jacqueline Kathleen, Henry "Loren". 3) Bob m. Barbara Davies (div.) 4) Mary Lynn m. Timothy Flynn (div.) 5) Dick died at age 11 from a cerebral hemorrhage due to a ruptured aneurysm. 6) Pamela Dawn and Dan Martinez.

Lucille Lorraine m. Roy Thon.

Mary Claire m. Max Murry (4 children - 1) Marcia, 2) Maureen Susan, 3) Madonna, and 4) George Franklin). Madonna m. Lou Scatena - 2 daughters. George Franklin (GF) (m. Leadon - children Annabelle & Jack).

Dorothy Louise (m. Robert Allen Lansen (5 children - Thomas Allen, Gregory Mark, Lorraine Louise, Carol Marie, Douglas Robert). 1) Thomas m. Noella Putignano (div.) - 3 children: Honore (Nora) (m. Peter Tobin - daughter Ella Rose), Thomas Robert, Daniel Austin. Re-married Tara Meenan. All live in NY 2) Greg m. Linda Rendazzo (div.) (daughter - Dessa); re-married 3 times; wife Vicki. Lives in Futaleufu, Chile. 3) Lori lives in Albequerque, NM. 4) Carol lives in BelAir, CA. 5) Doug d. at age 30 of consequences of developmental challenges.

Therese m. James Devany. Son Gary m. Mary (div.) - daughters Tracie & Christie.

Everyone please feel free to chime in here with corrections, additions, refinements.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ryder Heritage

I've created this blog at the suggestion of my cousin, Peggy Gardner, who is wonderfully inclusive and much more of an extrovert than I am. Sorry that the name is a little unwieldy, but simpler titles were already published.

The purpose of this blog is to centralize as much information as possible about the family of Thomas and Honore (O'Toole) Ryder, who settled in East Chicago, Indiana, USA, just after the turn of the last century -- what I believe to be their wedding photo is dated 1913. My late mother, Dorothy Ryder Lansen, was the sixth of their seven children. Peggy and I, and our siblings and cousins, are not only interested in the Ryders, per se, but also in other surnamed families connected to the Ryders and O'Tooles.

We decided to do our best to collect this information, as we are rapidly evolving from the Baby Boomers, to the Boomers, to the Fading Boomers. And fairly soon, whatever information is now available, by record or recollection, will fade into oblivion. So, if you are related to us, or know something about our family(ies) -- chime in.

Here's a bit of start: My grandfather was Thomas Ryder. He came to America from County Galway, Ireland. For at least a part of his life, he was a fireman. My grandmother was from County Mayo, Ireland. They had seven children. In birth order, they are: Martin, Helen, Margaret, Lucille, Mary, Dorothy, and Therese.